Ensalada Mixta Dominicana: Top 8 Amazing Nutrition Facts

Ensalada Mixta Dominicana. A dish that brings together all the flavors of the famous Dominican Republic.

This is a great recipe for those who want to pack their own lunch to work or school, but be sure not to bring too much as it can get soggy too quickly!

Enjoy this fresh and flavorful dish in the middle of a steamy summer day on your patio and you won’t regret it. A featured article from our blog “Pan Cubano”.

What is Ensalada Mixta Dominicana?

Ensalada Mixta Dominicana is a traditional Dominican dish that is common on most restaurant menus found in the Dominican Republic.

The ingredients used in this salad are tomatoes, onions, cilantro, olive oil, and salt and pepper. Good quality Balsamic Vinegar can be used to top it off.

The History of Ensalada Mixta Dominicana

The word “mixta” in the title refers to combining meat and vegetables, a tradition that goes back to Dominican customs dating back almost 100 years.

In those days when the family plot was small and did not produce enough food to feed everyone, they had to eat vegetables with some type of meat seasoning.

The most popular meats used were cow foot and tripe, so this type of dish became very common in the Dominican Republic.

How to make Ensalada Mixta Dominicana


  • 2 fresh tomatoes for salad
  • 1 cup or 16 TBSP of olive oil
  • 1/4 onion, chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to make it:

1. Firstly, slice the tomatoes into thin slices and place them in a bowl. Cut the onion into thin slices as well. Now add 1/4 of the cup of olive oil, salt, pepper and mix this all together with a spatula until the ingredients are well blended.

2. Next you can add chopped cilantro or fresh parsley if you like. Cilantro is not a traditional ingredient but is fairly common to see.

3. Add some Balsamic vinegar and serve chilled!

This dish is commonly consumed during the summer months, so take advantage of our beautiful Dominican weather and try it for yourself! Buen provecho!

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Nutrition facts Ensalada Mixta Dominicana

Calories from fat284
Total fat31g
Saturated fat10g

The healthy benefits of Ensalada Mixta Dominicana

Tomatoes have numerous health benefits. Tomatoes are packed with vitamin C and lycopene. The combination of the two provides a powerful antioxidant that has been linked to lower risks of developing cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Tomatoes also have Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and K. Tomatoes are also great for the production of lutein and zeaxanthin, which can help protect your eyesight.

The health benefits of olive oil

The benefits of olive oil are well known in the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil is 92% fat and contains mostly mono-unsaturated fats.

Olive oil is good for your heart as well as your weight because it reduces bad cholesterol and improves good cholesterol.

It also lowers your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and lower blood pressure due to its ability to raise the HDL (good) cholesterol levels in your blood.

Is Ensalada Mixta Dominicana healthy?

Ensalada Mixta Dominicana is an excellent salad to have, but it is not necessarily healthy. In a restaurant setting where oil is used in large quantities to prepare the salad,

it can get a little oily and with the addition of other ingredients such as cheese or meat, this can increase the calories and fat content of the dish.

One serving of Ensalada Mixta Dominicana will give you approximately 300 calories, 14 grams of fat and 4 grams of saturated fat.

Can I freeze It?

Yes, you can freeze it, but if you do it will not taste as good as when you first prepared it because the flavor of the ingredients will be altered.

The best way to freeze it is after making the salad and then seal it in a freezer bag. Defrosting it for a day in the refrigerator before consuming is recommended.

The Bottom Line

Consuming Ensalada Mixta Dominicana as part of your diet is not necessarily a healthy choice. It can be eaten once in a while because it is tasty and delicious,

but it should not be consumed regularly unless you want to increase the amount of calories, fat or cholesterol found in your diet.

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