Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema: Perfect 5 Nutrition Facts

Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema. Here is a fun and nutritious recipe to share with your family and friends. This one is perfect for the summertime but can also be enjoyed in the winter!

The recipe contains an assortment of fresh fruits and berries mixed with yogurt, giving the entire salad a creamy flavor.

This salad is a great way to cut down on excess calories by adding more fruits into your diet.

What is Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema?

Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema is a type of fruit and vegetable salad popular in Central and South American countries.

It is made by combining various fruits and vegetables and some yogurt. It is normally served cold or at room temperature.

Why should you make Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema?


  • 1 cup of mixed berries
  • 2 cups of chopped cantaloupe
  • 1/2 cup of diced papaya
  • 1/2 cup of sliced strawberries
  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh mint


1. Mix the chopped berries, cantaloupe, and strawberries in a large bowl.

2. Mix the honey, papaya, and mint together to create a thin dressing in another bowl.

3. Pour the honey vinaigrette into the berry mixture and gently stir to combine everything.

4. Add some salt and pepper to taste and enjoy!

Nutrition facts of Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema

This fruit and vegetable salad contains various vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are good for your health. A serving of this drink contains around:

fat1.5 g
carbs31 g
31 g13 g
protein2 g

This meal is a great way to keep your body hydrated with the water content inside each fruit. It also gives you multiple servings of vegetables and fruits, which are rich in antioxidants that help prevent diseases such as cancer from occurring.

History of Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema

Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema
Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema

This dish was developed by Ecuadorians and Peruvians, who sought a way to use their produce. They found that combining their fruits and vegetables increased the nutritional value of both, while the yogurt offered a sweet flavor.

They began to serve this drink with the limes they used as lemons, resulting in an incredible taste. Over time, this meal has become popular all over the world.

Price Of Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema

The price of this fruit and vegetable salad varies due to the store’s location, but you can usually purchase it for under $11 in most markets.

Health Benefits of Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema

One serving of this fruit and vegetable salad will help to improve your health in multiple ways. All of the ingredients are packed with vitamins and minerals that are beneficial when you eat them.

• Cantaloupe is a nutrient-rich fruit that is also good for your skin as it is rich in Vitamin C, which helps prevent skin problems like acne and rosacea.

• Strawberries are a natural source of Vitamin E, reducing the risk of developing heart diseases and strokes by removing key causes of those events.

• Papaya is a good source of the mineral potassium that can help prevent heart-related problems such as high blood pressure.

Is It Good For Weight Loss?

This healthy fruit and vegetable salad are great for anyone trying to lose weight. A serving of this one can help to reduce your calorie intake in a fun, tasty way.

It also contains ingredients that have been shown in research studies to be valuable in reducing weight loss.

Is It Suitable For Pregnant Women?

If you are pregnant, this fruit and vegetable salad is a great option. It contains all of the essential nutrients that you need for your baby.

The yogurt also helps to reduce nausea due to morning sickness, so eating this healthy dish regularly can help to reduce your suffering.

Is It Safe For Kids?

Kids will love this delicious fruit and vegetable salad because it tastes great and is a convenient way to get nutritional foods without many extra calories. The yogurt can help them reach their daily calcium requirements in an edible form.

Possible Side Effects Of Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema

Since strawberries are toxic to kids in small amounts, it is best to keep them out of the salad until older.

It is also best not to feed it to babies under one year old because they could become seriously ill from eating too much of it.

Is It Suitable For Breastfeeding Women?

This fruit and vegetable salad can be eaten by breastfeeding mothers without any problems. The yogurt helps make babies’ stomachs happy, so it can help ensure that your milk supply is strong.

Preparation Time Of Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema

This fruit and vegetable salad takes around 20 minutes to prepare. It will take longer if you are chopping up fruits into small pieces.

Is It Good For Heart Patients?

If you are having trouble with your heart or planning on having surgery, you should avoid this dish. Strawberries and strawberries can increase the risk of stroke by nearly 40 percent.

Microbiological Quality Of Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema

This fruit salad has a low risk of being contaminated with dangerous varieties of bacteria. It contains fresh fruits and yogurt, which can help to prevent any microorganisms from growing inside it.

Is It Healthy?

Yes, Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema is a healthy fruit and vegetable salad. It contains various fruits known to have multiple benefits to your body.

How Many Calories Does It Have?

This fruit and vegetable salad contains around 170 calories in a single serving. It is low compared to other desserts, so you won’t feel guilty about eating it more than once in a short period.

Does It Contain Any Nuts?

There are no nuts inside this fruit and vegetable salad. For the most part, any foods that contain nuts can make you allergic to them, but this fruit salad is low in sugar and calories, so it shouldn’t cause you any problems.

How Much Protein Does It Have?

This fruit and vegetable salad contains around 2 grams of protein per serving. Plant-based foods are a good source of protein because they don’t have many calories as animal-based foods do.

Is It Gluten-Free?

No, this fruit and vegetable salad isn’t gluten-free. The yogurt contains the protein found in dairy products that can cause a reaction for anyone with a gluten allergy.

Is It Vegan?

Yes, this fruit and vegetable salad is suitable for vegans because it is vegan-friendly. It contains no nut ingredients or dairy products, so you can safely eat it without worrying whether it has any animal products.

Is It Paleo-Friendly?

No, this fruit and vegetable salad is not suitable for Paleo followers. This dish doesn’t contain any dairy products or peanuts, so it isn’t ideal for Paleo followers trying to avoid foods that could cause them to become allergic.

Storage Of Ensalada De Frutas Con Crema

This fruit and vegetable salad is safe to eat if you store it inside the fridge, but if you want to keep it in the best condition possible, you should store it somewhere cool.


Eating a good fruit and vegetable salad can help to improve your overall health. This meal could help make all of your dreams come true by giving you the energy and nutrients your body needs.

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